Lifestyle Medicine

Online Coaching Program
Whole Person Approach to Well-being
It's time for you to come back to life!
REVIVE! Lifestyle Medicine Well-Being Coaching is coming your way!
It is your one stop shop for ALL of your wellness needs.
Led by Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician Experts
Learn how to be the happiest healthiest version of YOU!

Melissa Sundermann, D.O., DipABLM, FACLM
Board Certified
Lifestyle Medicine Physician

Robyn Tiger, M.D., DipABLM
Board Certified
Lifestyle Medicine Physician
Your REVIVE! Experts

As board certified Lifestyle Medicine physicians, we put our knowledge, expertise & passions together and created a one-of-a-kind coaching experience like no other just for you.
Other programs may focus on just a single category of wellness.
Ours gives you it ALL
We utilize a whole person approach to teach you how to elevate your health, grounded in the evidence-based principles of Lifestyle Medicine.
You will learn about the principles of behavior change, and how to effectively create and succeed at attaining your goals on the topics of:
• Nutrition
• Fitness
• Stress management
• Sleep
• Social connection
• Nature
Plus so much more
We teach the "what, why and how" to achieve your highest level of health, well-being & happiness:
• WHAT is recommended directly based on the most up to date medical literature
• WHY it works -- anatomy and physiology behind the tools
• HOW to do it through hands on learning

“I valued everyone’s contributions and the social connections. It was a good reminder of many things, but I learned many new things, especially how to decrease the risk of dementia.”
Melinda Rathkopf, MD
“I feel so much better and more empowered not only to be healthier but also to help my patients be healthier too. I never expected this late in my career to feel better both personally as well as to feel better about my doctor skills."
Nora Margolis, MD
“I received a great course which included so many key components of wellness. I valued the physiologic explanations of how these practices affect our body and why we should do them. It is much more meaningful to understand how these practices change our physiology.”
Akshita Mehta, MD
“I valued the interaction with the other group members, it was so helpful. I received so much more than I thought. I gained knowledge on gauging my willingness to change and changing my perspective on things. Being intentional in decisions has made a huge difference in my mental health."
Jennifer Orkfritz, DO
“I received so much incredible information that I never knew. I valued the time, attention and love.”
BA Svendsen, MD
Benefits Reported
• Lifestyle Medicine Assessment Form
• 2-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale
• Stanford Professional Fulfillment Index
• Self-Compassion Scale
• Weight loss
• Decreased quantity of consuming unhealthy foods
• Increased the number of fruit and vegetable servings/day
• Decreased caffeine intake
• Decreased alcohol intake
• Increased frequency and quantity of exercise/week
• Increased number of hours of sleep/day
• Less tired and less difficulty staying awake
• Decreased isolation
• Less worry and anxiety
• Less judgment and disapproval of self
• Greater sense of control
• Greater sense of self-worth
• Greater sense of social connectedness
• Increased feeling of life having purpose and meaning
• Less feelings of inadequacy
• Greater sense of resilience
• Improved emotional balance
• More understanding and patient with self
• Greater caring and tenderness with self
• Happier at work
• Improved enthusiasm at work
• Increased professional contribution
• More empathetic with clients and colleagues
• Improved job satisfaction
Q: What % of REVIVE! Group Coaching Program participants reported an improved level of health?
A: 100%
Q: What % of participants reported that REVIVE! Group Coaching Program transformed their lives for the better?
A: 100%

Imagine feeling amazing every day!
Contact us now to start your journey to total wellness.
Health is wealth, and your well-being can’t wait any longer.