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Learn the 7 Ways

Lifestyle Medicine



Physicians Can


As a physician you have been taking care of others for your entire career.


Along the way, so many of us forget to take care of ourselves (or actually never learned how). We cannot be everything to everyone, especially when we are struggling ourselves.


No matter where you are in your career, now is the time to learn how to optimize and prioritize your own health and well-being and bring the joy you so deserve back into your life!


We, too, have been in the trenches ourselves and have struggled both physically and mentally.


So how did we climb out from this dark place?


We finally learned what was causing our symptoms… why we were feeling this way… and how to REVIVE ourselves!


The Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine truly saved us. Now we want to share what we learned so that you too can REVIVE!


As board certified Lifestyle Medicine physicians, we developed this Masterclass to highlight for you:

• WHAT these 7 Pillars are

• WHY they work

• HOW to implement them into your daily life


The status quo is unacceptable.


In this Masterclass, we are handing you a plan for a better tomorrow because your wellness can’t wait.


Now is the time for you to REVIVE! and we are here to guide you and walk alongside you during this journey.

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Melissa Sundermann, D.O., DipABLM


Robyn Tiger, M.D., DipABLM

Your REVIVE! Guides


What fellow physicians are saying about the Masterclass:

"Thank you for the lecture! Great to learn about the Lifestyle Medicine approach to well-being!"

"You both are wonderful experts for behavior change. Thank you for your passion!"

"Thank you very much for the great information and your enthusiasm."

"Thank you so much for conducting this very informational and very interesting topic for physicians!"

"This was a great presentation! Thank you both."

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Register Now!
And invite your physician friends to join you!


Proud AMWA Partner

REVIVE! Masterclass

Wed August 23rd

7:30pm EDT


Sat August 26th

11:00am EDT

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